Quality is our top priority.

Our commitment to quality

Consumer health and wellbeing is at the core of everything we do.

Since we trade in fresh, natural and largely unpackaged produce, quality is our top priority.

Together with our partners, we supervise the entire value chain and work continuously to enhance our quality standards.

Quality management at vanWylick

Product quality plays a key role in vanWylick’s day-to-day operations For this reason, we apply the highest standards ensuring the best quality in order to meet our customers’ expectations.

vanWylick Fruit Safety System

For this purpose, we use our own quality management system, the “vanWylick Fruit Safety System” set up by the Quality Management and Quality Assurance departments.

The Quality Assurance department inspects the processes and hygiene standards in line with the IFS standard (International Featured Standard) throughout our facilities. As a result, all of our operations have performed at the highest level in both external and independent IFS audits.

Our areas of responsibility


Implementing customer-specific requirements continually and consistently is a key part of our QM teams’ work.

Residue monitoring

Residue monitoring is managed both centrally and also from a risk-oriented perspective; it is performed across all branches in cooperation with accredited and recognised QA laboratories.


vanWylick performs more than 2,000 tests a year using a combination of analyses performed by the company itself, its partners, sources as well as customers and suppliers.

Supplier and producer monitoring

An internal information system ranging from e.g. irregularities and precautionary measures to lists of producers and suppliers.


Batch traceability can be guaranteed with the aid of a modern and flexible inventory management system, which is linked online to all vanWylick branches.

Crisis management

A tried and tested crisis management system consisting of regular simulations of the traceability of randomly selected products and a clearly defined and transparent procedure in the event of irregularities is in place to train employees on how to deal with emergencies.


We are in regular contact with experts such as Bayer CropScience and independent quality advisors to keep abreast of the latest product developments and to provide our customers with product-related support.


vanWylick ist sowohl IFS (International Featured Standard) sowie Bio-zertifiziert in allen Unternehmensbereichen mit der Öko-Kontrollstelle: DE-ÖKO-044.


vanWylick is a member of the German Fruit Trade Association (DFHV) and Globalgap (www.globalgap.org).

From production to delivery

vanWylick covers the entire value chain – starting with production and ending with delivery to our customers.

By working together with our partners, we can provide a comprehensive range of produce. In this way, we can guarantee the highest levels of quality and safety – all from a single source.

vanWylick certificates

Fruchtimport vanWylick has been IFS (International Featured Standard) certified since 2004. Annual inspections by independent certification bodies document the implementation of strict quality standards across all areas of the company.

Our locations have been certified organic since 2007 and in 2017 we became a system partner of the QS (Qualitäts-Sicherung) quality scheme for food.